
6 Reasons to Stop Buying Bottled Water and 3 Eco Swaps

Did you know that 80% of plastic water bottles aren’t recycled and just end up in landfills? This is just one of the reasons why you should stop buying bottled water, and there are many more!

Bottled water is getting banned in schools, companies, cities, and countries, hoping to drive change and create a better future.

Because when you think about it, disposable plastic bottles are super wasteful and definitely not a necessity.

A B.C college has recently banned the sale of bottled water and a San Francisco airport also banned the sale of water bottles.

Opting out of using single-use plastic bottles is an easy way to live more environmentally friendly by lowering your plastic waste.

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stop buying plastic water bottles

Why Disposable Bottles are Bad for the Planet

Here are some reasons why you should stop buying disposable water bottles.

1. Plastic Bottles Pollutes the Environment

60 million water bottles end up in landfills or are incinerated every year. Isn’t that crazy?

When those plastic water bottles end up in landfills, the plastic degrades into micro-plastics and leak chemicals into the earth or in rivers and oceans. When water bottles are incinerated, the burned plastic pollutes the air.

There’s also an incredible amount of air pollution created through the manufacturing and distribution process when it comes to making plastic water bottles.

By reducing the amount of single-use plastic water bottles are being bought and used, we’re reducing the need for more to be created and therefore lowering pollution.

2. Water Bottles Hurt Animals

Plastic water bottles also degrade into smaller pieces of plastic which risks getting consumed by marine life which poisons or kills them.

There’s also the issue that plastic can poison our food supply: if we consume fish that consumed plastic, we are also eating that plastic contamination.


3. Bottles Takes Forever to Degrade

plastic water bottle littered on beach

It takes over 450 years for a plastic water bottle to decompose.

Even then, the plastic bottle never entirely degrades. No plastic does. It simply breaks down into smaller and smaller pieces of plastic.

By refraining from purchasing bottled water, we’re lessening our plastic footprint, ensuring less plastic is scattered across our earth.

4. Making Plastic Bottles Takes a Lot of Resources

17 million barrels of oil are used in the production of bottled water per year and it also requires up to 2000 times the energy compared to producing tap water.

Many water bottles travel long distances to reach stores in order to be sold, which increases their carbon footprint. Fossil fuels are also drained to transport these water bottles across the world.

Making plastic water bottles also requires a large number of fossil fuels.

5. Bottled Water is a Waste of Money

woman holding burning money

Did you know that it’s actually more expensive to buy bottled water?

Even if you spend some money to buy a filter at home to filter out your tap water, it’s still a lot cheaper than buying bottled water from the store.

90% of a plastic bottle’s water comes from making the bottle itself. Basically, your water bottle took 9 other water bottles to make.

When you buy bottled water, you’re barely paying for the water. You’re paying for the plastic.

6. It’s Probably Just Tap Water

Some bottled water brands simply fill the disposable water bottled with treated tap water.

Disposable bottled water brands like Aquafina simply use treated tap water to fill their water bottles.

If the water bottle states “public water source” then it’s pretty much treated tap water. Seems like a scam, doesn’t it?

You can literally do this yourself at home by investing in a water filter system.

Eco-Friendly Alternatives to Bottled Water

1. Brita Filters

One of the things you want to consider when you’re trying to buy fewer water bottles is the reasons for which you’re buying them.

Are you buying them because they’re cleaner than your tap water? If so, start filtering your water at home.

Use a Brita filter and recycle the plastic filters through TerraCycle. Brita filters will definitely help reduce the number of water bottles you buy, but can still be expensive over time.

If you’re skeptical about using your own tap water and/or filtering it out, check to see if there are any local springs in your area where you can collect fresh water instead.

2. Stainless Steel Water Bottles

woman drinking from stainless steel water bottle

Do you buy bottled water out of convenience when you’re out and about? If that’s the case, get in a habit of bringing a reusable water bottle with you where you go.

Reusable water bottles made from stainless steel are the best way that you can reduce the amount of plastic bottle waste you create and it will save you hundreds of dollars a year.

Stainless steel is great for when you’re on the go because they keep your drinks cold and fresh for hours.

What I mean by fresh is that there’s no taste from the bottle in your water. Ever drink water from a plastic water bottle that’s been sitting out for a few days or that you’ve had in your pantry for a while?

That weird taste is from the plastic bottle and why you want a BPA-free water bottle.

That’s also why water bottles technically have an expiration date. Over time, chemicals from plastic will start to leach into the water.

Simply fill your filtered water dispenser with tap water and refill your reusable water bottle as needed.

Note: Give your new stainless steel water bottle a wash when you first get it or else you’ll get that metallic taste.

Limited Edition QSU Bottle by United By Blue

"quit single use" stainless steel water bottle

United by Blue sells 18, 22, and 32 oz reusable steel water bottles that come in a variety of beautiful designs.

The reusable bottles are 100% stainless steel and have a vacuum-sealed lid.

What makes this brand even more spectacular is that they pick up 1 pound of trash from oceans and waterways per product sold, making it a great way for you to help save the oceans.

READ MORE: 8 ways to help save the oceans (and why you should)

Mizu M8 Water Bottle by tentree

You can buy different reusable water bottles from tentree in various colors.

Additionally, as you probably already know, every product you buy from tentree plants 10 trees which makes shopping with this eco-friendly brand a no-brainer and a win-win.

You can read more about tentree in my post about eco-conscious brands that plant trees through your purchases.

3. Glass Bottles

If you need a more sustainable way to drink water that doesn’t involve travelling, a glass bottle might work well for you.

You can substitute plastic water bottles by keeping water in your fridge in glass bottles.

All Clear Water Bottle by Love Bottle

reusable glass water bottle
Recycled glass water bottle – BPA-free – recycled glass – made in the USA – donates 5% of every purchase – cardboard packaging – B corp

Glass bottle hack: You can sometimes buy alcohol like cider or sparkling wine that comes in bottles like these. Remove the label with some soapy water and upcycle them into water bottles!

Final Thoughts on Disposable Water Bottles

Making the switch to a reusable water bottle is an easy step towards a more eco-friendly lifestyle.

This zero-waste alternative will help reduce so much plastic pollution that it really should be a go-to for everyone trying to help save the planet.

Want to learn more about sustainable alternatives to common plastic products?

Check out my post: 14 single-use plastic alternatives to help you go zero-waste.

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