Secondhand Clothing / Slow Fashion

9 Reasons Why Buying Secondhand Clothes is AWESOME

There are plenty of reasons why you should buy secondhand clothing, many of which actually benefit you personally, no matter your lifestyle.

Buying secondhand clothes also benefits the environment in a big way, making it a win-win.

Whether you’re unsure if buying used clothing is for you, or maybe you just want to educate yourself of the perks, this post will open your mind to the idea of secondhand shopping.

It might even make you excited to get to your nearest thrift store.

Let’s get to it!

why buying secondhand clothing is awesome - www.mindfulofthehome

Here are some reasons why you should buy secondhand clothing.

1. Buying secondhand clothing saves money

As you probably already know, you can save an incredible amount of money shopping for secondhand clothes.

You’ll never pay anywhere near full price, and this is great for when you find high-quality clothing from brand names that you know and trust.

The amount of savings will of course depend on the thrift stores near you – they’re all different.

So explore the secondhand shops in your area to see who has the best clothes/deals, or find other spots in your area to get secondhand items.

READ MORE: where to get local secondhand items for cheap or free.

2. You extend a garment’s life-cycle

clothing folded on sheet

Think about this:

Do you have unwanted clothes in your wardrobe that are in great condition but you don’t wear them for whatever reason?

Or maybe something that you wore often but is no longer your style, no longer fits, or you just don’t love it anymore?

You wouldn’t just throw away something that’s in perfectly good condition just because you don’t wear it anymore, right?

Someone should get some use out of it. And chances are, this person is going to fall in love with it, just like you did.

3. Buying used promotes sustainable fashion

clothing hanger with tree branch

Another reason why you should buy secondhand clothing is that it promotes sustainable fashion.

Buying secondhand clothing is a big part of the slow fashion movement and a key factor when you’re starting to create a sustainable wardrobe.

Sustainable fashion is all about slowing down in regard to fashion.

It means wearing used clothing, buying clothing that was made sustainably and/or ethically, and with fabrics made from eco-materials like organic cotton, Tencel and hemp.

It means saying goodbye to fast fashion.

In other words, a sustainable wardrobe is filled with secondhand clothing and/or clothing made by slow fashion brands, both of which do wonders for the environment.

4. Secondhand clothing is unique

vintage clothing hanging on rack

The majority of second hand clothing that you will find in thrift stores is completely unique and sold at extremely low prices.

The chances of there being two of the same item in the same thrift store or in other thrift stores are slim to none.

And chances are, you won’t be able to find the same piece ever again because they’re probably no longer being made, especially vintage clothing.

So if you want one-of-a-kind clothing, shopping secondhand is a great way to get them.

5. Buying used clothing saves resources

cotton field

When shopping for secondhand clothing, you’re saving resources and doing the environment a solid favor.

This is because the resources have already been used to make the piece of clothing.

Instead of buying a new shirt or pair of pants that consumes resources to make it and distribute it to a store near you, buying used clothing doesn’t deplete any more resources.

Because of this, wearing secondhand clothing has such a positive impact on the environment and is a great idea for anyone who wants to reduce their environmental impact.

Read more about the environmental benefits of secondhand clothing.

6. Reduces fast fashion demand

beige and brown clothing handing on rack

When you purchase secondhand clothing from thrift shops instead of buying new clothes from retailers, you’re reducing the demand for fast fashion and supporting ethical fashion.

These days, fast fashion brands are just spitting out new, cheap clothing because a lot of people have adopted the mentality that clothes are easily discarded.

But, imagine if everyone started purchasing secondhand clothing or shopped slow fashion. These fast fashion companies would cease to exist, or they would have to conform to the new norm.

That’s why saying no to fast fashion and instead opting to build a more sustainable wardrobe is so important. As consumers, we help drive change!

Sweden actually has established fashion chains that also sell used clothing. How awesome would it be if most stores did this?

7. Another man’s trash…

Is another man’s treasure. This saying holds true for secondhand clothing as well. Sometimes old clothes just need a new life.

I’ve come across countless pieces of clothing at secondhand stores where my eyes pop open when finding something amazing. And then at a huge discount? It’s a great feeling.

Sometimes searching for secondhand clothing that you love will feel like finding a needle in a haystack, but that needle will turn out to be a diamond.

8. It’s easier to shop secondhand

woman looking through secondhand clothing rack in thrift store

In secondhand clothing stores, everything is usually sorted by size, making it a breeze when searching for clothes to buy.

However, not all clothes fit equally, and you should still look at other sizes.

I wouldn’t recommend trying clothes on at all thrift stores, just in case it wasn’t actually washed – especially if you’re not familiar with your thrift store’s practices.

Spotting a washer and dryer in a separate room in the store is usually a good indication that the clothes have been washed and then I feel comfortable trying on the clothes.

If you don’t want to try on clothes, take measurements like the shoulder width of a shirt you already have and use it as a guideline for when you’re shopping.

9. Secondhand fashion lasts longer

vintage t shirt on bed

This may sound untrue but look at it this way. You can find a lot of clothes in thrift stores that are years old, especially if you’re in a vintage store.

Some of these clothes were created before fast fashion started becoming so widespread.

Since they are pre-fast fashion, they are better made and meant to stand the test of time.

Of course, you still have to know how to take care of your clothes in order to ensure their longevity, but the fact that these clothes are so well made, already makes clothes maintenance a lot easier.

Additionally, secondhand clothing lasts longer because used clothing has usually been washed a couple, if not dozens of times already.

That means that any shrinking and fading that would have occurred, has already occurred.

I mean, how many times have you purchased retail clothing, washed it, and it shrunk or faded, completely changing or ruining it?

With secondhand clothing, what you see is what you get.

Final thoughts on why buying secondhand clothing is awesome

So now you know the many benefits of buying secondhand clothing, both personal and environmental.

It’s a great feeling shopping secondhand, knowing that you’re helping the environment, practicing slow fashion while also simplifying your life!

If you need some ideas for places to buy secondhand clothing, check out your local thrift shops, garage sales, an online marketplace such as Facebook, and Poshmark for another online secondhand market!

Poshmark is a great place to buy second-hand clothes with affordable shipping costs, and quick delivery. You can also find new clothing on Poshmark that even still have the tags but at a super discounted price.

Sign up to Poshmark for free and use code MINDFULHOME to get $10 off your first order.

For more online thrifting recommendations, check out these 13 online thrift stores where you can buy and sell secondhand clothing and other items.

For local thrifting, read this guide to buying secondhand clothes which is filled with a lot of tips for thrifting clothes.

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reasons why buying secondhand clothing is awesome
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April 1, 2024 1:22 pm

Hello! What is your opinion on consignment stores? I know they take in secondhand clothes as well, and this is all we have for good choices in thrift stores where I am at. I want to be able to help our planet in any way possible. Thank you for your time, and I hope you have a wonderful day.

Reply to  Miss
April 2, 2024 8:29 am

Hello! Consignment stores are also a great option! They may be a little pricier compared to standard thrift stores but consignment stores typically have better quality pieces. Some consignment stores have discount sections so definitely keep an eye out for those! Hope this helps! Have a great day.

Connie Baquiran
July 28, 2023 11:05 pm

Thank you so much!