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10 Tips for Using a Safety Razor Like a Pro

Using a safety razor can be a great way to achieve a close and comfortable shave, while also reducing waste and saving money in the long run. However, for those who are new to safety razors, the learning curve can seem daunting. With a few tips and tricks, though, anyone can learn how to use a safety razor like a pro.

While disposable razors may be convenient, they can also be costly and damaging to the environment. That’s where safety razors come in – these classic grooming tools have been around for over a century, and are experiencing a resurgence in popularity due to their practical and sustainable benefits.

In addition to the practical benefits, using a safety razor can also provide a sense of mindfulness and self-care. Taking the time to carefully and attentively shave can be a relaxing and meditative practice, allowing you to start your day with a sense of calm and focus.

So whether you’re looking to save money, reduce waste, practice mindfulness, or simply try something new, read on to learn how to use a safety razor like a pro.

1. Choose the right razor for your skin type

reusable metal razor with bar soap

There are a variety of safety razors available on the market, and choosing the right one for your skin type is important. If you have sensitive skin, consider using a razor with a milder blade.

If you have thicker hair, you may need a razor with a more aggressive blade. Some razors also have adjustable settings, which allow you to customize the level of aggressiveness to your liking.

Opt for a basic safety razor such as an EcoRoots safety razor or one that has a pivoting head such as a leaf shave razor from Notice.

2. Use a good shaving cream or soap

Using a good shaving cream or soap can make a big difference in the quality of your shave.

Look for a product that is designed specifically for use with a safety razor, as it will provide the right amount of lubrication and protection for your skin. Be sure to create a rich lather, which will help the razor glide smoothly over your skin.

woman sitting with shaving cream on legs

3. Hold the razor at the right angle

The angle at which you hold the razor is critical to achieving a close and comfortable shave.

Hold the razor at a 30-degree angle to your skin, with the blade in contact with your skin. Too shallow an angle will result in a less effective shave, while too steep an angle can cause irritation and nicks.

4. Keep your skin taut

When shaving, try to keep the skin you’re shaving taut with your free hand. This will help to create a smoother surface for the razor to glide over and can reduce the risk of nicks and cuts.

5. Use light pressure

One of the most common mistakes that people make when using a safety razor is applying too much pressure.

Remember, the weight of the razor should be enough to provide a close shave. Applying too much pressure can cause irritation, razor burn, and cuts.

6. Take your time

Shaving with a safety razor can take a bit longer than using a disposable razor, so make sure to give yourself plenty of time to get the job done. Rushing through your shave can lead to mistakes and irritation, so be patient and take your time to get the best results.

7. Shave with the grain

When shaving with a safety razor, it’s important to shave with the grain of your hair. Shaving against the grain can cause irritation, ingrown hairs, and cuts.

Start by shaving in the direction of hair growth, and if necessary, you can shave across the grain on the second pass.

Hand holding reusable safety razor for shaving

8. Rinse the razor frequently

After every few strokes, rinse the razor under hot water to remove any hair and shaving cream buildup.

This will help the razor glide smoothly over your skin and prevent irritation.

9. Finish with a cold water rinse and moisturizer

After you’ve finished shaving, rinse your face with cold water to soothe your skin and close your pores.

Then, apply a moisturizer to help prevent dryness and irritation.

10. Practice makes perfect

As with any new skill, using a safety razor takes practice.

Don’t get discouraged if you don’t get the hang of your safety razor right away – keep practicing, and soon you’ll be able to shave with ease and confidence.

Final thoughts on using safety razors

Not only do safety razors provide a closer shave and save money in the long run, but it is also a more environmentally-friendly option than disposable razors.

Using a safety razor may seem daunting at first, but with a little practice and patience, it can become an enjoyable and rewarding part of your grooming routine.

However, it’s important to remember that everyone’s skin and hair are different, so it may take some experimentation to find the right razor and technique that works for you.

Don’t be discouraged if you experience some nicks or irritation at first – these are common learning experiences, and with time, you’ll become more confident and proficient in using a safety razor.

Overall, using a safety razor is a worthwhile investment in your grooming routine. If you want to learn about more zero-waste swaps you can make, check out these awesome single-use plastic alternatives.

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