Sustainability / The Home

10 Sustainable Ways to Keep Your Home Cool

During the scorching summer months, keeping cool can strain both your energy bills and the environment. While many enjoy the warmth outdoors, there are simple indoor strategies to stay cool and save money simultaneously.

1. Close Curtains & Windows

Close curtains to block out sunlight and prevent heat gain, especially investing in blackout curtains or thermal drapes.

Additionally, keep windows shut during hot, humid days to prevent warm air from infiltrating your home, opening them only during cooler evenings for ventilation.

2. Turn Down the Air Conditioner

Reduce your air conditioner usage and costs by adjusting the thermostat to a slightly higher temperature, such as 78°F (25°C), without sacrificing comfort. You can also invest in a programmable thermostat to automatically adjust temperatures based on your schedule, raising it when you’re away from home to save energy.

3. Use Fans During the Summer

Enhance cooling with ceiling fans to circulate air and create a cooling breeze, reducing reliance on air conditioning. Portable fans strategically placed near windows or in the path of cross ventilation can also amplify cooling effects.

4. Take Cold(er) Showers

Opt for cooler showers to lower your body temperature and reduce the need for air conditioning, especially during hot summer months. Additionally, limiting shower duration conserves water and minimizes heat buildup in your bathroom.

5. Minimize Use of Big Electronics & Appliances

Upgrade to energy-efficient appliances to reduce energy consumption and heat emissions, particularly refrigerators, washing machines, and dishwashers. Unplug idle electronics like TVs, computers, and chargers when not in use to eliminate standby power consumption and reduce heat generation.

6. Unplug Unused Electronics & Appliances

Utilize power strips to easily turn off multiple devices at once, cutting off standby power consumption and reducing heat output. Consider using timers or smart plugs to schedule the operation of electronics and appliances, ensuring they are only powered when needed.

7. Go for a Swim

Visit public pools or community swimming facilities to cool off and enjoy recreational activities without relying on air conditioning. Take advantage of natural water bodies such as lakes, rivers, or oceans for swimming and water-based activities, providing natural cooling during hot weather.

8. Close Doors to Unused Rooms

Concentrate cooling efforts in occupied areas by closing doors to unused rooms, ensuring more efficient use of your air conditioning system. Utilize portable air conditioners or fans in frequently occupied rooms while keeping unused rooms closed to maintain comfort levels without overcooling the entire house.

9. Hang Clothes Outside to Dry

Install a clothesline in your backyard or balcony to air dry laundry under the sun, reducing the need for electric dryers and saving energy. Use indoor drying racks or clotheslines during inclement weather to dry clothes indoors without relying on electric dryers, promoting energy efficiency and cost savings.

10. Utilize Natural Ventilation

Open windows and doors strategically to create airflow, allowing fresh air to circulate and cool your home naturally. This easy and cost-free technique reduces reliance on air conditioning while keeping your living space comfortable during the summer.

Implementing these strategies will not only help you beat the heat but also contribute to significant savings on your energy bills while reducing your environmental footprint. Enjoy a cool, comfortable, and budget-friendly summer!

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