
How To Be Mindful Of Others: 5 Simple Tips

There are many benefits to mindfulness, and being mindful can help you in different aspects of your life. Learning how to be mindful of others can improve your happiness, and make you a better person overall.

It also isn’t difficult to implement in your life and it makes you feel great.

Mindful living consists of embracing kindness, staying in the present, and simply trying to be a better person.

It’s about focusing more on other people instead of focusing only on yourself.

Once you learn how to be conscious of other people’s thoughts, feelings, and actions, you’ll build stronger relationships with the people around you.

Your friends, family, spouse, and even strangers. You’ll learn to love more. Not only others but yourself, too.

How to Be Mindful of Others

Personally, I’ve always been a mindful person, and this is something that I only truly realized recently.

I thought that the main reason for being the way that I am was because I’m an introvert, and although that definitely plays a part, I realized that it also has to do with the mindfulness I subconsciously practice every day.

To give you some perspective, when I’m surrounded by a lot of people, I’m aware of all of them. Their words, their actions. Everything.

Because of this, I’ve always felt somewhat overwhelmed when surrounded by a large number of people. I find it difficult to focus on one person because trying to pay attention to everyone is almost impossible, so I tend to prefer smaller groups.

Again, I used to blame my introverted self to this.

I feel like this is somewhat of a rare quality to have because I feel like it’s in most people’s nature to be focused on themselves. I’m quite the opposite.

Anyways, enough about me!

Here are some of the things you should consider when learning how to be more mindful of others around you.

how to be mindful of others

1. Keep Others in Mind

Is what you’re doing going to impact others negatively? Something that you’re saying or doing that might offend someone?

You should always think before you talk and think before you act when you’re with people.

Additionally, keep others in mind when you’re about to do something and ask them if they want or need anything.

For example, if you’re heading out to the store, ask them (spouse, family member, roommate, etc.) if they need something while you’re out. Even if they don’t need anything, they will appreciate the fact that you asked.

About to take a long shower? Ask if someone needs the bathroom.

Pouring yourself a drink? Maybe they want one, too.

The same goes for strangers. Show mindfulness with people you don’t know by saying please and thank you with cashiers, for example, or holding the door open for someone else.

Simple acts of thoughtfulness is always a great way to keep others in mind.

2. Listen to Them

two woman on chairs having a conversation

When you’re having a conversation with someone and they’re speaking, make it a priority to listen to them. Really listen to them. Make eye contact, turn your body towards them, and truly engage in the conversation.

People don’t like to be ignored, and making an effort to actually interact with someone goes a long way.

I had a situation where I was in a group of people and someone was telling a story but wasn’t looking at everyone while telling it, myself included.

It bothered me and I realized that the simple act of not acknowledging everyone in the group while speaking makes it seem like you don’t really want that person there, or you just don’t want to speak with that person.

Although it seems somewhat stupid because that situation was with some of my good friends, it still goes to show you how little details can make someone feel upset or uncomfortable.

3. Stay Active in Relationships

woman talking on phone having a conversation

Be mindful of the people in your life by staying active in your relationship with them. Whether it be your spouse, parents, siblings or closest friends, make an effort to be present in their lives.

When was the last time you spoke with the important people in your life? Maybe it’s time to call them or message them and get an update on how they’re doing and what’s new with them.

Sometimes it can be hard to reach out because you haven’t spoken to them in a while. I know this all too well.

I still have a hard time reaching out to some people, because it’s really easy to think, “Well, it goes both ways. They don’t call me either. So why should I bother?”

I know it’s nothing personal.

Life gets in the middle of a lot of things, and it’s easy for time to pass you by. I also know that it doesn’t mean they’re not thinking of me because I think of them also.

Still, we should try and make an effort to stay in touch with the people that matter most to us so that they know we care.

Don’t wait. Be the one that reaches out.

4. Volunteer

people volunteering at event

Being mindful of others doesn’t only mean with your family and friends. You can show mindfulness by volunteering and helping strangers, people you have never even met before.

As a volunteer, you’re mindful of the fact that there are people who need help, and you’re willing to help with no expectation of getting anything in return.

But in fact, you will get something. You’ll meet new people, and you’ll feel amazing because you did something that matters and makes a difference.

Check if there are any places to volunteer at or even community service projects near you such as retirement homes, soup kitchens, even animal shelters.

5. Love With All Your Heart

felt board written love is all around

Most importantly, you need to allow yourself to love others with everything you have. Shower the people who matter most to you with your affection and make sure they know how much you mean to them.

Do something special for your significant other, call your family and set up a family dinner, set up a reunion with your friends, hug your kids, (or pets!)

Allow yourself to feel the love you have for others, even your love for nature, animals, etc. Think of everything you care about and just let your heart grow.

Loving others will be a reminder to continue being mindful of them in your life so you can truly embrace mindful living. But remember, you also need to love yourself.

Check out my post going green: 30 tips for an eco-friendly home to be more mindfully sustainable in your life.

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Neslei Marie
November 1, 2020 7:17 am

Amazing Article! ❤️ Thank you for sharing. I learned a lot, Jade.

arun khanna
January 25, 2020 9:57 am

Awsome article Jade. I have lot of pointers for myself. Few things I am already doing but lot still to do. Thanks.

March 25, 2019 4:05 pm

wonderful . I think we might be twins